Handbraiding items for active dogs and their owners since 2013.
Whether its Gundog Lanyards, AeroDummys, Dog Leads, or if you ask for completely custom, we pride ourselves in every item we make.
Designed to be eye catching, original in design, with comfort, durability and the best quality in mind. Every item is designed to cope in the field, tested rigorously, ensuring they are fit for what they were designed for.

We have been featured in Gundog Journal, The Field, Sporting Gun and Nick Ridleys YouTube Channel.
It all started with Gundog Lanyards back in 2013 when I made a few lanyards for myself wanting something different to the boring piece of string! I then made a few lanyards for friends and as they say "the rest was history". A Facebook page, followed by a website, trade enquiries from the likes of Sporting Saint and then featured in several specialist magazines as must have items. The interest was truly humbling.
Then came the AeroDummys, a product I developed for myself so I could take my training with me anywhere, they flew out like hotcakes, literally.
Then finally came the leads, the product that took the most time to test and develop because I'm a stickler for perfection! It seemed appropriate to then bring all three brands together into one new home to take us forward, along with new ideas ... and here it is
activeK9 Designs