Who's that crazy braiding lady!

Our History

It all started back in 2013 when I made a few lanyards as a hobby and wanted something different to the boring piece of string and I love bright colours! I then made a few lanyards for friends who then posted a picture on Facebook and as they say "the rest was history". A business Facebook page was set up for Gundog Lanyards and within 24 hours I had more orders than I could make and received trade enquiries from the likes of Sporting Saint, Active Hound, Fassimare and featured in several specialist magazines and digital magazines as must have items. Then came the AeroDummys, a product I developed for myself so I could take my training with me anywhere, they flew out like hotcakes, literally. Then finally came the leads, the product that took the most time to test and develop because I'm a stickler for perfection!

ActiveK9 Design, Test & Development Team

I love being creative, coming up with new ideas, but I'm also practical and so anything I make must function and last in the field. I work and show my three Hungarian Vizsla. I fell in love with the breed 10 years ago when we brought Senna home and have learned so much over the years, but I would consider myself a novice with so much still to learn.

I enjoy braiding every item I make as much today as I did the first day I started back in 2013 and at the time of this blog that's about 8,000 items. Nothing leaves the workshop unless its 100%. Every item I make comes with a little bit of love from me.

Corinna x